Elin Normannseth


My name is Elin Petrikke Normannseth, 62 years old and I have had dogs as long as I have lived. My first dogs was a Border Collie and after that came Long-haired Miniature Dachshund and German Shepherd Dog. During many years my greatest interest was in Obedience and Utility Trials. My first Dachshund litter was born 30 years ago and in 2001 I became judge, first for Dachshunds and then for breeds for FCI group 6. At the moment I am qualified also for all breeds in FCI groups 2 and 5, most breeds in FCI group 7 and Welsh Corgis. I am interested in all breeds and that is the reason why I judge many breeds. This hobby is of great pleasure for me: I have the possibility to meet lots of nice people, visit many countries and cities – who would not like this kind of hobby? I am looking forward to my judging appointment in December in Helsinki.