Harry Tast


Harry got his first dog in 1963 and the first litter was born in 1968. The breed was wire-haired Fox Terrier and kennel prefix Bonnie Step. In 1982, Tast was awarded with the Finnish Kennel Club’s Vuolasvirta prize for merited breeders. He’s held many positions of trust in the Finnish Kennel Club, including membership of the Finnish Kennel Club’s Board and Council, Chair of Show and Judges Committee as well as Chair of the Future Committee. He’s also been active in different breed clubs, for instance as chair for the Finnish Fox Terrier Club and local Kennel District. Tast has also been in the FCI’s Commission for Earth Dogs and Show Judges Commission. Tast became a judge in 1986 and was qualified as an all-breed judge in 2003. He’s judged in nearly every European country as well as in Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. In addition to dogs, Harry’s hobbies include riding and horse breeding. He’s also served as a dressage judge and gait judge.