Helen Tonkson


Engaged in breeding Staffordshire Bullterriers and Miniature Bullterriers under the affix MOONCRAFT´S since 1996 and  breed over 100 Champions – among them several World Winners, European Winners, many International and National Champions. Mooncraft´s kennel has been the TOP-kennel of the year. Helen has owned and shown also Great Danes and a Rough Collie.  
Helen got her judges license in year 2000 and judged several International Shows among them World Dog Show 2018 in Amsterdam, World Dog Show 2022 in Brazil, European Dog Show 2021 in Hungary, European Dog Show 2023 in Denmark.  
Helen also judged several Specialty Shows in the Netherlands; Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic, Chile, Hungary, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Helen has judged Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers at Championship Show (CC) level in England.  Helen has acted in many different positions of trust in Estonian Kennel Union, for example sha has been President of the Union. She is member of the FCI Disciplinary and Arbitration Committee.