Helle Bekker


Hi, my name is Helle Bekker, I live in the south part of Denmark and I have been breeding English Cocker Spaniel and Bichon Havanais for many years, as a professional I have been self-employed for 15 years and sell dog food etc in Denmark. I lived all my life with dogs of different breeds in the house and as a child we had Labrador Retriever and Collies. I been involved in Danish Kennel Klub for many many years both as a Dog Trainer, Ringtrainer, Ring staff, DKK Show committee, board work and the most important as a FCI Show Judge. The first official Judge appointment was in Denmark 2018 at the International Danish Winner Show in Herning, it was a great honor. Since 2015 I have judged oppend shows and just love to judge and study breeds. I judge all breeds in Group 1 and 9, many of the breeds in Group 8, and a few breeds in Group 3, 5 and 7.