John Sheppard
John became involved with the world of pedigree dogs in 1964 when he obtained a pedigree Pug. He was fortunate to meet an English lady, Dorothy Cole-Manning who had a large Toy Kennel specialising in Chihuahuas and Papillons. He learnt all about breeding, care and exhibiting different breeds particularly those in the Toy Group during a long association with the Mantika Kennels. In 1969 he obtained his first Maltese, she titled at 12 months and his interest in the breed continues to this day having bred numerous Group and Best In Show winners with stock imported from Japan, USA, Lithuania, Germany and Argentina. In 1970 John obtained his first Shih Tzu, she titled at 10 months and then produced many winners. There have been over 125 Champions in a number of breeds bred at Erintoi. John has also been involved with American Cocker Spaniels and Chinese Crested. John has Handled numerous breeds to their titles, with Group and BIS wins. His last new breed was the Tenterfield Terrier, she received numerous Group placings to her credit. John commenced Judging in 1977 with the Toy Group, the others followed and he is approved by the ANKC to Judge All Breeds. He has judged throughout Australia, New Zealand, U.K. France, Italy, Spain, America, Canada, many countries in Asia, Finland and South Africa. He is currently a Director of Dogs NSW. John has been involved in the Judges Training Scheme in NSW both as a Group Co-ordinator and is approved as an Assessor for All Breeds.