Katrin Raie


 I have loved dogs as long as I remember. Unfortunately my family didn’t share my interest so I had to wait until I was 18 when I got my first purebred dog. Since then I have shared my life with various breeds like German Shepard, Doberman, Labrador retriever and a Poodle. But only after meeting with my Afghan hound in 1995, my fate was sealed. It was clear that my true love were the sighthounds. In 1997 I bought my first Italian greyhound from Finland and in 1999 a Greyhound from Norway. After that there was no turning back – being a member of the Estonian Sighthound Union, we made the regulations for lure coursing and a new type of dog-sport got started in Estonia. Getting my lure coursing judge’s license was a natural next step. In 2004 FCI approved my kennel name “Dragonhunter” and the first litter of Italian greyhounds was born. Since then I have bred around 27 litters and imported dogs from Finland, Russia, Norway, Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia, Italy and Germany. In 2010 I got my dogshow judges license for Italian greyhounds and in 2014 got the right to judge the whole group 10. At the moment I’m qualified to judge also Great Danes and Continental bulldogs from Group 2, all Dachshunds Group 4, Mediterranean breeds and laikas from group 5, Estonian hound and all rare breeds from group 6, Irish red setters and all rare breeds from group 7 and Chihuahuas from Group 9. I have judged in Scandinavia and in most European countries. I am a member of the Estonian Lure Coursing judges Assembly and the Estonian Show judges Assembly. I share my home with 7 Italian greyhounds, 2 English pointers and 1 Papillon. So it is quite clear that I love dogs.