Riitta Niemelä


I was interested in dogs already in my childhood. However there was allergy in our family so I could get my own dog only when I moved to house of my own. Retrievers have been part of my life already 30 years. My first one was a Golden Retriever, but by accident a Flat Coated Retriever came into my life and with this breed dogs became my main hobby. Besides these two breeds we have also a Shot-haired German Pointer used actively in hunting. My prefix is Morrini which was approved by the FCI in 2003 and we breed in a small scale both Goldens and Flat Coats.
I became judge in 2010 and started with breeds of group 8. At the moment I am qualified to judge breeds of groups 5, 6, 7 and 8 and I have judged all over Europe. I have acted actively in both breed clubs and at the moment I am member of the Breeding Commission of the Finnish Flat Coated Retriever Club and Chairman of the Show Judges Commission of the Club.
I also try to show my dogs every now and then and take part to trials and I am also a trial judge.
When I have free time, I enjoy cycling, orienteering and swimming.
A show judge is evaluating dogs in the show ring according to the breed standard. It is not always an easy task, but judges education in Finland is on an excellent level. To become a show judge or a trial judge demands active and persistent work in the dog world. Open mind, humour, honesty and genuine wish to learn something new are important features to every judge, either show or trial judge. When I am in the middle of the ring I am looking for dogs that are well balanced presenting the breed with best possible way both in structure, appearance and behaviour and they are fit for function – It is a great pleasrue to judge that kind of dog. I am looking forward to the show weekend and especially honoured I am for the possibility to judge our native breeds.