For visitors
The next Koiramessut – Dog Fair Finland is held 7th and 8th December in Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki.

Something for all dog lovers
Are you thinking about getting a dog? At Dog Fair Finland, you have a great opportunity to get acquainted with different breeds and discuss the choice of breed and good dog-ownership with experts in the field.
You can also come to the fair to pet dogs – The Finnish Kennel Club’s Care Dogs are at the fair waiting for your affection!
Dog owners can find lots of ideas for enrichment and dog sports at the fair. Many presentations of different dog sports are held at the fair.
There is also separate programme for the smallest ones in the family.
Please remember that only dogs that have been entered to the dog shows are allowed to the event.
Shopping opportunities before Christmas
Do your Christmas shopping at Dog Fair Finland! Many brands and companies within the dog field of business are attending the fair. Make use of special offers at the fair and come and shop for yourself and your dog.
Dog Fair Finland offers shopping, special offers, performances, information, experiences, ideas, and much more.
Welcome to Finland’s biggest dog event!